Types of fractures
Oblique supragingival fracture
An oblique supragingival fracture consists of a crack in the upper portion of the tooth that is above the gum line. This type of fracture may not cause immediate pain, but can lead to infection or pain in the future without treatment. While this type of fracture can be fairly small, it usually affects the surface of the tooth.
The surface of the tooth is the most-used section for chewing food. Using a tooth with this type of fracture will only cause more issues. With various forms of treatment available, an endodontist will need to examine the fracture in order to determine the most effective form of treatment.
Oblique subgingival fracture
An oblique subgingival fracture consists of a fracture that covers more of the tooth and can even reach down the root to the jawbone below the gum line. This type of fracture can cause intense pain and make simple tasks such as chewing, speaking, or even just sitting still, difficult. This type of fracture can also affect the nerves within the tooth.
Oblique root fracture
While having a similar title to the other fractures listed above, an oblique root fracture takes place below the gum line and can extend all the way into the jaw. Unlike more minor fractures, this fracture will be extremely painful and will require professional endodontic treatment.
Vertical furcation fracture
A vertical furcation fracture involves the tooth splitting and becoming two or more roots. This fracture will cause the patient pain and make it impossible to effectively use the tooth for basic functions.
Vertical apical root fracture
A vertical apical root fracture is a fracture directly down the middle of the tooth and root. This type of fracture can be painful and will require professional treatment. In some cases, the treatment may involve a root canal therapy to help the patient heal.
Vertical root fracture
If part of the tooth root breaks off, it is known as a vertical root fracture. The cause will often involve brittle roots due to nerve death in the tooth. In other cases, a previous root canal procedure that went wrong can also cause this type of fracture.
Do not wait to seek treatment
If you are struggling with any of these issues or pain in your mouth for no known reason, then seek professional care as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the condition will get. If you are unsure about how to find an endodontist in your area, visit a general Endodontist and ask for advice or recommendations.